Airship - Battle with Sin

Head to the upper deck and talk with Kimahri and Yuna. Go back to the bridge then talk to Cid and select Highbridge from the list.

Go forward to meet with Maester Mika and then the Fayth. Afterward, you'll tell Shelinda about your plan and return to the airship.

Talk to Cid again and you'll have a new option in the list called "Sin". After selecting it, head to the upper deck of the airship. Once outside, you'll have to fight Left Fin then Right Fin. Immediately after that you'll have to fight Sinspawn Genais and Sin (Core).

When you are back in the airship, head back to the outer deck and talk to Yuna. Then when you're ready return to the outer deck to take on Sin.

  • none
  • none
  • none
Key Items:
  • none