Thunder Plains

Immediate to the right upon entering, you'll find 2 Phoenix Downs. Follow the left side up to find a chest with 2 Hi-Potions and then another with 5000 gil. Go to the right side and search the small alcove to find a Water Ball.

When you reach the rest stop, talk to Rikku and then Rin when he appears to recieve the Al Bhed Primer XIV. Follow Yuna to the back room and then in the morning talk to Rikku to continue. There's a Yellow Shield lying on the ground outside.

Once you're back on the plains, go east and south to find a chest with a X-Potion. After Yuna's announcement, go behind the shelter for an Ether. Further north on the left is a chest with a Remedy and on the right side you can pick up 2000 gil.

Armor: Weapons: Items: Key Items: Enemies:
Notes: The Qactuars won't appear until after you have touched one of the Quactuar stones while it is glowing.