Data Dealer

In Guadosalam go to the Data Dealer (formerly the Inn) and speak to the man behind the counter. Ask "Got any data?" and then answer "Sounds good, I'll take it." to buy some bogus data for 10000. The Data Dealer will give you a clue about who to sell it to. You can ask him for more data and he'll give you a second clue if you like.

Approach the person you wish to sell the data to and press [square] to try and get them to buy. You get three tries to find the correct person, however the profit amount drops for every wrong person you try. You only get one shot at this, you cannot try again.

List of the people to sell to based on the first clue
First Clue Person Max Sell Price
He is someone loafing about indoors. Hypello in Tobli Productions 25000
The person is a woman. Woman in green outside the door on the far left that won't open 25000
The guy you're after is just sitting around. Man in red shorts just to the right of the save sphere 25000
It's someone right next to a door. Man just outside door to Tobli Productions 30000
This man bears himself with confidence. Man wearing helmet just outside door to Data Dealer 25000
It was someone rather young, yes. Woman with red bandana outside the door on the far left that won't open 30000
This individual can be found indoors. Man browsing in the Shop 30000
It's someone sitting down. I wonder what he's doing there? Man in blue shirt outside the door on the far left that won't open 40000
I believe it's someone interested in joining the syndicate. Woman standing to the right of the Chateau entrance 40000
It's a guy sitting down. Boy sitting behind man wearing helmut just outside the door Data Dealer 50000
It's someone near the door that will not open. Man with blue cap to the right of the door on the far left that won't open 50000
I haven't the slightest clue what this guy is doing. Hypello wandering around 50000
It's someone by the entrance to town. Man by the exit to the Thunder Plains 60000
It is a woman. Woman in blue hood just outside door to Tobli Productions 70000
This guy's in a place you wouldn't expect. Man behind the counter in the Shop 80000
It's the last person you'd expect, no question. Data Dealer himself 100000