Operation: Monkey!

The object is to pair up all the monkeys. For each monkey there is another with a name that "matches" in some way. Grab one of the monkeys and pair it with its match.

Name Location <-> Name Location
Birch The Beyond <-> Sequoia Chamber of the Fayth
Spring Great Hall <-> Autumn Cloister of Trials
Dusky Corridor <-> Dawne The Beyond
Rosemary Great Hall <-> Tyme Cloister of Trials
Terran Cloister of Trials <-> Skye The Beyond
Minni Great Hall <-> Maxx Cloister of Trials
Summer Chamber of the Fayth <-> Winter Corridor
Peke Cloister of Trials <-> Valli Chamber of the Fayth
Canis Great Hall <-> Felina Corridor
Arroh Cloister of Trials <-> Quivrr Corridor
Golde Chamber of the Fayth <-> Sylva Corridor
Luna Corridor <-> Sol Great Hall

Once all monkeys have been paired up, you'll receive Soul of Thamasa.
