HP: 2000000 Strength: 100 Defense: 220
Overkill: 99999 Magic: ? Magic Def: 180
MP: 999 Agility: 65 Luck: 0
AP: 10000 Evasion: 0 Accuracy: 0
Gil: 0 Boss: Yes
Enemy Skills: none
Drop: HP Sphere, Dark Matter (rare)
Steal: Light Curtain x4, Stamina Tablet (rare)
Bribe: cannot bribe
Guard: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water
Number of Slots: 2 - 4
Number of Abilities: 1 - 3
Possible Weapon Abilities: Strength +10%, Strength +20%, Strength +5%
Possible Armor Abilities: HP +10%, HP +20%, HP +30%
Location: Monster Arena
Notes: Unlocked at the Monster Arena by capturing 10 of each iron giant species