Cleyra Settlement

Head right from the entrance to find a giant sinkhole. 970 gil is hidden in the foreground.

Go back and head up the stairs, making sure to pick up the hidden Phoenix Pinion on the way. Go left at the fork and seach near the sign for Thunder Gloves.

Continue up and search for a Phoenix Pinion.

Go down and right across the bridge to the front of the inn. Search the bushes on the right for an Ore. Inside the inn is an Echo Screen on the left and 1250 gil on the right. Upstairs is an Ether and Mopli the moogle. Just past the inn, halfway up the stairs a Remedy is hidden in the bushes.

Go up and then up again to get to the cathedral. Search the foreground for Gysahl Greens and the background for an Echo Screen.

Just inside the cathedral entrance on the left is a Yellow Scarf. Don't speak to the guards in the cathedral yet, go back to the entrance and right to the sandpit and grab a Silk Robe and Magician's Shoes.

Now, speak to the guards in the cathedral and then go to the inn. Follow Dan down to the sandpit and fight the Antlion.

After the fight, visit the cathedral and talk to the High Priest to obtain an Emerald. Also find a Phoenix Pinion behind the harp, an Ore in the center and an Ether behind the pillar on the left.

Head back to the entrance and then down the trunk. At the place where the sand whirlpools were you'll encounter 2 Soldier (I)s.

At the next room 2 more Soldier (I)s will attack at the fork.

Go down and deal with 2 more Soldier (I)s in the cavern. When you come to the plank bridge, you realize your mistake and head back to town. There you'll be faced with a Type B.

Go right to the sandpit where you'll find Mopli again with Stiltzkin.

When you return to the entrance, you'll face 3 Soldier (I)s and then 2 Type Bs back to back.

After heading up the stairs, tell the townspeople to head right. Outside the inn tell Dan's family to head left, then defeat 2 Soldier (I)s and a Type B.

When the villagers ask for directions again, tell them to cross the bridge to the right, then fend off 3 Soldier (I)s.

After the cathedral scene, before following Beatrix, if you gave the correct directions to the townspeople, talk to each of the survivors in the courtyard to recieve: Remedy, Phoenix Down, Nymph, Elixir, Zuu, Ether, and Phoenix Pinion.

When you're ready head outside to take on Beatrix (Cleyra) once again.

Once aboard the airship, you'll have a chance to meet Serino the moogle.

Cards: Nymph, Zuu
Items: Echo Screen x2, Elixir, Emerald, Ether x3, Gysahl Greens, Magician's Shoes, Ore x2, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion x4, Remedy x2, Silk Robe, Thunder Gloves, Yellow Scarf
Enemies: Antlion, Beatrix (Cleyra), Soldier (I), Type B