Sector 5 Slums

When Cloud wakes up, he meets the flower girl (Aeris) in the church. The turks show up to harass her and you flee up into the rafters, but Aeris gets stuck down below. You can prevent her having to fight them alone by pushing over barrels in this order: right-hand, center-rear, left-hand (or you can let her fight, the enemies aren't tough). After that you both escape out a hole in the roof and run along the rooftops to safety. Go northwest and then northeast to visit the sector 5 slums. Upstairs in the house at the east side, you'll find the Turtle's Paradise Flyer No. 1. Don't take the boy's hidden stash.

Go east to visit Aeris' house. In the garden to the right is an Ether and a Cover. Inside the house, talk to Aeris' stepmother. In the middle of the night, you'll need to try to sneak out. Take the package by your door of a Potion and a Phoenix Down. Just don't run and avoid getting close to Aeris' room when leaving to make it downstairs. When you leave the town and head west toward Sector 6, Aeris will meet you at the entrance.

After going through Sector 6, you'll come to a playground and catch a glimpse of Tifa on a Chocobo cart. Keep going on until you come to Wall Market.

Obtain: Enemies: