Dream World Part 2

Go forward to find a mine. You'll be attacked by Esthar Soldier (Human)s. Keep to the right as you head into the mine. Laguna will find an Old Key but immediately lose it. Continue on until you find 3 hatches in the ground. Examine the top right of the middle one and choose "Tamper with it." Go back to the room you just left to see a soldier fall in your trap. Return and try to tamper with the right hatch but it will be stuck.

Return to the mine entrance and take the left path. There will be a Confuse draw point on the right and a ladder in the middle. Go down the ladder. On the left side of the tunnel Laguna will find another Old Key and lose it as well. Continuing on you'll find the 3 hatches again, but if you already tampered with the middle one you're path is blocked.

Return to the mine entrance and go back down to where you found the first Old Key. Go north this time. Continue north until you find a detonator on the ground. Press the red button then the blue button. Continue north up some stairs and across a bridge. On the left of the cavern, you'll find a boulder. Push it to dislodge it and reveal a Cure draw point.

The next screen has a save point. Go north from here. When you reach the edge of the cliff you'll be attacked by soldiers. If you did not spring any of the traps in the mine, you must fight 5 battles in a row. If you sprung them all, it will only be a single battle. The last enemy will use Soul Crush to reduce Kiros and Ward's HP to 1 as it dies.

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