
Waking up as Squall, a car shows up and takes you to the Presidential Palace. Dr. Odine will take care of Rinoa and the rest of you will be free to move about the city. Go to the Airstation and speak with the people hanging out outside it. Return to the Presidential Palace and speak to the Presidential Aide. He'll drop Occult Fan IV when he walks away. Find a lone Esthar Soldier standing on the highest pathway and speak to him. You'll have to return to speak to him again after visiting the Lunar Gate.

When you're ready, leave the city. You can visit Tear's Point southeast of the city to find the Solomon Ring. The Lunar Gate is directly east of Esthar city. After entering, speak to the personel inside and answer that you'll do whatever it takes and that you trust Zell. Choose a final team member for the trip and then get in the loading shaft. Return to Esthar City with Zell and the rest of your teammates.

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