This is on a comments section for the ability Provoke? What does this have to do with Provoke in any way at all?
By: B0N3S
on Apr 28, 2012 05:04:18
Re: Re: Re: Discovery Wings or Dark Matter?
How's your math? 540,000 for 4 is cheaper than 1,280,000 for 8.
By: Jade
on Nov 25, 2008 07:11:17
Re: Re: Discovery Wings or Dark Matter?
Justin, you've heard wrong.
Break HP is done with Wings to Discovery - you can get a full set from the Remiem races, you can bribe the Malboros (it's cheaper to bribe Greater Malboro 1280000 for 8) and Shinryu drops them but good luck with defeating it since it's an underwater battle...
Dark Matter - dropped in Monster Arena, bribed from Land Worm (Sin) for 1600000 (2 DMs) and shows up as a price for blitzball. I'll tell you now that it's really hard to get 60 of them from these sources. And since you get 99 for capturing 5 of every mob every DM you collect and not use before that is practically lost.
By: shinigami9x
on Nov 17, 2008 02:11:34
Re: Discovery Wings or Dark Matter?
were do u get the items
By: josh
on May 11, 2008 02:05:22
easy money.
To earn quick money. Go to the Omega Ruins, around 72,36 on the airship search i think, anyway run around the save sphere lookin for a fight, you wana look for a Zaurus (its a lizard thing) they always have a chest with them, steal from the chest as it contains either a mega-potion, ether or a Mimic if the message "nothing to stealth".When killed, Mimics award you 50,000gil and if you involve a character with gillionare E.G rikku's Godhand weapon, you will get 100,000 gil per Mimic you kill.Zaurus' are the most common enemy in the Omega Ruins so you can make a few million gil an hour and it doesnt take alot of attention, i watch a movie while i kill em. just a tip if ure gona do this you wana put ure cursor on memory so u can just tap X through the fights. Making money like this allowed me to get those Wing to discovery things without much trouble. i hope it will help you too.
By: skiller
on Sep 28, 2007 04:09:18
wait! again
alot of WTD
By: Solar Flare
on May 16, 2007 09:05:02
so if at the chocobo race if u win it and hit no poles and three tresure chests then you can get alot of them over and over again
By: Solar Flare
on May 16, 2007 08:05:13
break hp limit
how can u get wtd if u have not much gil ive done the remien temple race anyway can u do that loads of times?
By: vinny mcguire
on Apr 28, 2007 05:04:39
final fantasy break hp limit
Bribing malbros is the hardest for money. to earn money go to the fight arena and fight the (forgot name) creature with 4 arms. You get x30 of an item. Buy armour with a spare slot and customize the item you got with it. Then sell for 33k. You will make 28k profit or mroe from 1 shield.
By: final fantasy nerd
on Apr 21, 2007 09:04:40
break hp limit
you can also get automatic 30 WTD by winning the chocobo race at the Remiam temple without touching any pole and opening three chests. it is so freaking awsome but the race is hard
By: Break Dr.
on Oct 03, 2006 10:10:36
break hp limit
you can also get automatic 30 WTD by winning the chocobo race at the Remiam temple without touching any pole and opening three chests. it is so freaking awsome but the race is hard
By: Break Dr.
on Oct 03, 2006 10:10:10
Re: Break Hp
You need 30 Wings to Discovery for each Armor you want to customize with the Break HP Limit ability
By: Dr. Slice
on Sep 16, 2006 01:09:49
Break Hp
What do you do to attain break HP armor's?
By: Adil
on Sep 16, 2006 12:09:47
how to get wing to discovery
You get wings to discovery buy either defeating shinryu at the calm lands monster arena(original creation).By defeating shinryu,you get 1 wing to discovery(2 for an overkill).You can also get wings to discovery if you bribe malboros(4 wings to discovery for 540,000)or by bribing great malboros(8 wings to discovery for 1,280,000).
By: split infinity
on Apr 24, 2005 03:04:08
Re: i need wings of discovery
<selfplug> The beauty of this site is that all you have to do is click on the link for it and it will tell you how to get them.</selfplug>
By: Dr. Slice
on Feb 26, 2005 02:02:01
i need wings of discovery
kan any one pls tell me hou to get wings of discovery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By: bahamut liker
on Feb 25, 2005 03:02:14
Re: Discovery Wings or Dark Matter?
Dark Matter is for customizing Break Damage Limit on a Weapon, Discovery Wings are for Break HP Limit on an Armor.
By: Dr. Slice
on Aug 24, 2004 11:08:00
Discovery Wings or Dark Matter?
your site says Break HP limit takes 30 discovery wings, i heard from another site(i don't know if it was refering to the internation version)that is takes 99 Dark matters to add Break HP limit into your armor, which is it?
Break HP is done with Wings to Discovery - you can get a full set from the Remiem races, you can bribe the Malboros (it's cheaper to bribe Greater Malboro 1280000 for 8) and Shinryu drops them but good luck with defeating it since it's an underwater battle...
Dark Matter - dropped in Monster Arena, bribed from Land Worm (Sin) for 1600000 (2 DMs) and shows up as a price for blitzball. I'll tell you now that it's really hard to get 60 of them from these sources. And since you get 99 for capturing 5 of every mob every DM you collect and not use before that is practically lost.