Description: Restore 1000 HP to all allies
Buy: 10000
Type: Recovery
Card Mod: none
Win: Seifer (II)
Refine To: 20 Mega-Potion to 1 Elixir using Forbid Med-RF
20 Mega-Potion to 1 Stop using Forbid Med-RF
Refine From: 2 Cottage to 1 Mega-Potion using Recov Med-RF
1 Healing Ring to 20 Mega-Potion using Recov Med-RF
1 Mesmerize Blade to 2 Mega-Potion using Recov Med-RF
4 Tent to 1 Mega-Potion using Recov Med-RF
3 X-Potion to 1 Mega-Potion using Med LV Up