Location: Esthar - Kashkabald Desert,Cactuar Island
AP: 20
Devour: (1-19) partial HP recovery, (20-29) full HP recovery, (30-100) full HP and status recovery
Card: Gerogero, Cactuar
Attacks: 1,000 Needles
Weak: Water
Lv 1-19 Lv 20-29 Lv 30-100
Drop: 3 Cactus Thorn (common)
2 Lightweight (rare)
4 Cactus Thorn (common)
4 Lightweight (rare)
4 Cactus Thorn (common)
1 Jet Engine (rare)
Mug: 2 Cactus Thorn
3 Cactus Thorn
4 Cactus Thorn
Draw: Haste
Notes: Tends to run away and dodge most physical attacks so strike quickly with characters that have high hit rates.