Turbo Ether
Buy: none
Type: Restore
Description: Fully restores MP
Elements: none
Drop: Ancient Dragon, Jersey, Magic Pot, Mover, Sea Worm, Shadow Maker, Shake, XCannon
Steal: Armored Golem, Death Dealer, Golem, Jersey, Killbin, Land Worm, Mover, Poodler, Search Crown
Morph: Beachplug, Crazy Saw, Twin Brain
Shops: none
Find: Cave of the Gi, Icicle Inn, Mt. Corel, Nibelheim, Northern Cave - Left Path, Sector 6 - Aftermath, Temple of the Ancients
Obtain: Gold Saucer - Chocobo Racing, Gold Saucer - Wonder Square Prizes, Wutai Pagoda Challenge