Capricorn Gem
Description: A yellow gemstone bearing the name "Capricorn". Represents the forces of order and rule.
Buy: -
Sell: 150
Required for Bazaar: need 3 for Piercing Bolts
Obtained from Bazaar: none
Drop: Crusader, Dark Lord, Forbidden, Gazer, Gespenst, Necrofiend, Necrophobe, Nightwalker, Reaper, Zombie Knight, Zombie Warlock
Steal: Adrammelech, Bogey, Crusader, Dark Skeleton, Deathscythe, Etem, Fideliant, Ghoul, Negalmuur, Nightwalker, Oversoul, Skull Knight, Velelu, Zombie Warlock, Zombie Warrior
Poach: Dustia, Zombie Knight