Taurus Gem
Description: A yellow gemstone bearing the name "Taurus". Portends conspiracy and dark rumor.
Buy: -
Sell: 150
Required for Bazaar: need 3 for Darksteel Blade
Obtained from Bazaar: none
Drop: Charybterix, Chimera Brain, Chocobo, Gorgimera, Pyrolisk, Red Chocobo
Steal: Brown Chocobo, Chaos, Charybterix, Chimera Brain, Chocobo, Cluckatrice, Dive Talon, Garuda-Egi, Gorgimera, Lesser Chimera, Phyllo, Red Chocobo, Redmaw, Seeker, Sprinter, Vampyr, White Chocobo
Poach: Aerieel, Gorgimera, Lizard