Number: 1 Section: The Dalmasca Sands
Type: Plant Class: Cactus
Aggro: No Flying: No
Steal: Earth Stone (common), Earth Magicite (common), Cactus Fruit (uncommon), Bundle of Needles (rare), Broadsword (rare)
Drop: Cactus Fruit (common), Earth Stone (uncommon), Earth Magicite (uncommon), Potion (rare), Hi-Potion (rare), Virgo Gem (very rare)
Poach: Cactus Fruit (common), Bundle of Needles (rare)
Double: Wind
Status: Berserk, Blind, Disable, Disease, Immobilize, KO, Oil, Petrify, Poison, Sap, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop, X-Zone