Djose Highroad and Temple

Talk to the people walking to get a Soft Ring, Mega-Potion, Ether and Hi-Potion. Get the 2 Phoenix Downs from the chest and the Al Bhed Primer XI behind the stone piller to the right of it. Just a little further on, search for the nearly hidden chest on the right containing a Bright Bangle.

Once you reach the temple, check the right side for a chest with 4000 gil and behind the inn for 4 Ability Spheres then head inside the temple. Just before entering the left chamber, there's a chest with an Ether. Inside the left room is a chest with a Remedy. There's a Mega Phoenix in the right chamber. Go through the center door to enter the Cloister of Trials.

  1. Take the 2 Djose Spheres and use them to open the door.
  2. Go forward to the chamber with the symbol on the floor and a pedestal.
  3. Take the 2 Djose Spheres and put in the in the 2 slots on the right side of the chamber.
  4. Push the pedestal to the right until it is directly underneath the upside-down pedestal, this will activate the charging mechanism.
  5. Take the brightly glowing Djose Sphere out of the pedestal and insert it in the slot to the right of the door to open it.
  6. Take to the 2 Djose Spheres on the right out of the wall and put them in the pedestal.
  7. Now push the pedestal into the room that you just opened up at the top until it falls into the pit of lightning.
  8. Use the floating pedestal to jump across the pit and push the far pedestal back to activate the center part of the Yevon symbol.
  9. Step on the glowing tile on the far left of the chamber to retrieve the pedestal.
  10. Take the 2 Djose Spheres from it and take them back to the first chamber to place them in the walls on either side.
  11. Take the Djose Sphere from the socket to the right of the top door and place in the socket just to the left to complete the symbol.
  12. Take the elevator that appears up to the next level.
  13. In the top room, push the 5 pedestals back to reveal another pedestal and a staircase.
  14. Ride the elevator back down and touch the glowing spot on the wall near the glowing floor tile on the left to reveal a hidden room.
  15. Take the Destruction Sphere and go back up the elevator.
  16. Place the Destruction Sphere in the pedestal and take the Magic Sphere from the revealed treasure chest.
  17. Head up the stairs to reach the Chamber of the Fayth.

After Yuna emerges after gaining Ixion, you'll be back outside the temple. Go into the Inn and get the Switch Hitter from the chest that is now accessible. Go back into the temple and head for the left chamber where you'll find Yuna sleeping. Wake her up and then head out. Talk to the people on the bridge to get a Halberd, 2 Hi-Potions, 10 Potions. When you get back to the fork, take the north path to reach the Moonflow.

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