Location: Obtain in Balamb Garden from the tutorial section at Squall's terminal
Element: Ice
Summon: Diamond Dust - Ice damage to all enemies
Ability AP Prerequisite   Ability AP Prerequisite
Str-J 50 Vit+20% 60
Vit-J 50 Vit+40% 120 Vit+20%
Spr-J - (initially learned) Spr+20% 60
Elem-Atk-J 160 Str-J Spr+40% 120 Spr+20%
Elem-Def-J 100 Spr+20% SumMag+10% 40
Elem-Defx2 130 Elem-Def-J SumMag+20% 70 SumMag+10%
Magic - (initially learned) SumMag+30% 140 SumMag+20%
GF - (initially learned) GFHP+10% 70
Draw - (initially learned) GFHP+20% 140 GFHP+10%
Item - (initially learned) Boost 10
Doom 60 GF LV 10+ I Mag-RF 30
Notes: The Vit and Spr skills are highly effective for increasing a character's defense early in the game.