Location: Kill (not Card, etc.) 15-20 Tonberrys after defeating Odin at the Centra Ruins then defeat the Tonberry King when it appears
Element: none
Summon: Chef's Knife - non-elemental damage to 1 enemy
Ability AP Prerequisite   Ability AP Prerequisite
Magic - (initially learned) SumMag+10% 40
GF - (initially learned) SumMag+20% 70 SumMag+10%
Draw - (initially learned) SumMag+30% 140 SumMag+20%
Item - (initially learned) GFHP+10% 70
LV Up - (initially learned) GFHP+20% 140 GFHP+10%
LV Down - (initially learned) GFHP+30% 200 GFHP+20%
Eva+30% 150 Boost 10
Luck+50% 200 Haggle 150
Initiative 160 Sell-High 150 Haggle
Move-HP Up 200 Familiar 150
Auto-Potion 150 Call Shop 200 Familiar
Notes: Being able to shop anywhere, anytime is very nice. The LV Up and LV Down skills allow you to adjust the level of enemies to get the items or spells you want or to increase the experience you gain. Just don't level them up so much that you can't beat them!