alright, Dr.slice got a FFX-2 guide. I hope this one is as good as the rest. lol. what am I saying, of course it will.
By: Crash988
on Dec 23, 2005 06:12:29
Hehe you sure have a lotta time to gather all that info, especially monsters, cuz of oversoul mode, anyway grats and keep up the good work :p
By: Kain
on Jan 10, 2006 06:01:01
rikku is hot
By: ben
on Feb 22, 2007 04:02:10
Best, most organized guide on the net... Period.
By: Chang
on Apr 15, 2007 05:04:51
best guide ever!
I will have to agreed with CHANG on this one, this is in fact the best organized yet easiest way to look for what your looking for.....THANKS A BUNCH.
P.S. I have your page bookmark on my computer.
By: nowayjose
on May 25, 2007 04:05:32
great mega fizzle shizzle guides 4 ff games...i wuz happy lik child wit lolipop when i came here 1st time:):)...gud wrk...and lots potions to regenerate dr.slice hp to keep dis awesum wrk wit.(srry 4 my english,its nt my native but i gain exp about it every day:))!
P.S. I have your page bookmark on my computer.