You can steal a Stamina Tablet (common) or a Farplane Wind (rare) from Yunalesca. The items are the same for all three forms and don't regenerate to steal again from each form.
By: Paul
on Jul 02, 2009 11:07:31
lucky yunalesca
the first time i fought her i was like:
"this is gona be easy", so i started by summon my aeons. the first one was yojimbo, i paid and he did a zanmato...
By: Shuyin 510
on Jan 30, 2009 02:01:52
Yunalesca uses counter-attacks with physical and magical attacks, if it a physical attack she counter-attack with darkness and magical attacks with silence. Be ready to use lots of items to clear the status effects.
She also use drain which kills an aeon in two turns.So try to keep your aeon until the 2nd or 3rd form when see doesn't use drain
By: Hotrod
on Nov 29, 2007 05:11:17
Likes to cast Drain. Her counterattack dispels buffs on the target, but you can have one character use Guard or Sentinel if you want to preserve buffs like Haste on the others.
"this is gona be easy", so i started by summon my aeons. the first one was yojimbo, i paid and he did a zanmato...
She also use drain which kills an aeon in two turns.So try to keep your aeon until the 2nd or 3rd form when see doesn't use drain