Lindblum - Preparations

Back in Lindblum you'll wake up as Zidane. Pick up the Egoist's Armlet and Elixir. Mogki the moogle is still here.

As you leave, Blank will enter. Go to Cid's throne room.

After the meeting, go back to the guest room. After another meeting, go to the Theater District.

The three potions: Strange Potion - search Michael's studio, also pick up a Lapis Lazuli. Unusual Potion - Cinna at the Tantalus hideout, be sure to pick up 1273 gil, 4826 gil, 970 gil Gil while you're there. Go to the business district and give the letter from Mogki to Moodon, pick up the Sagittarius Stellazzio across from the Gysahl Pickle cart, an Elixir and Remedy from the card freak's house and the Beautiful Potion from Alice, the former Item shop owner. Head back to the throne room in the castle.

After the discussion, head down to the Base Level and ride to Serpent's Gate. Pick up the Chimera Armlet before you head out the door and board the Blue Narciss.

Items: Chimera Armlet, Egoist's Armlet, Elixir x2, Lapis Lazuli, Remedy
Keyitems: Beautiful Potion, Sagittarius, Strange Potion, Unusual Potion
Notes: Before going to the Black Mage Village, you may want to visit Esto Gaza and pick up better weapons and armor.