Name  Description  Buy↓ Type 
Demolition Ammo 3x more powerful than Normal Ammo with Irvine's Shot limit 800 Ammo
Fire Ammo Causes Fire damage with Irvine's Shot limit 500 Ammo
Dark Ammo Causes Darkness with Irvine's Shot limit 300 Ammo
Fast Ammo Faster fire rate that Normal Ammo but lower power with Irvine's Shot limit 100 Ammo
Shotgun Ammo Hits all enemies with Irvine's Shot limit but is slower than Normal Ammo 40 Ammo
Normal Ammo Standard damage with Irvine's Shot limit 20 Ammo
AP Ammo Ignores enemy defenses with Irvine's Shot limit - Ammo
Pulse Ammo Most powerful ammo with Irvine's Shot limit - Ammo