lol Best level up? Shiva's Doom + T-Rexaurs. Nuff said.
By: Rikk
on Dec 12, 2009 12:12:57
Re: LvUp
Even better level up? Junction Death to Status Attack.
By: Kitty
on Nov 26, 2010 07:11:24
Levelling up your characters
Best strategy for lvl-ing up:
Go to either I.C. to Hell or I.C. to Heaven. Have ability "lvl UP' (GF Tonberry) equipped and some Stop magic (it's essential; casting it will make sure that you are safe during the battle) and Squall with active limit (critical HP or Aura). Run into any monster, cast stop on it and lvl it up to 100, then kill it with Squall's limit (Lionheart preferred). You will lvl up to 100 in no-time! You can use this method anywhere, but Islands are the fastest places to do so.
By: Pietraz
on Jun 15, 2006 11:06:35
Levelling up
You can still level up at low levels on these islands. You can simply wait for odin, running away if he doesn't come and saving in between every battle, or keep Quistis in low health and use her degenerator
By: Mindion
on Jun 13, 2006 07:06:26
lvl up
an easy way to lvl up in disk 3 is (when you get ragnorok) is to go the island colsest to hell (near eastern continent on end of half-cresent group of islands) but I recomend being at least lvl 80 before you go because all monsters are lvl 100! P.S. doomtrain is a good idea to bring, does all efects as malboro's Bad Breath.
Go to either I.C. to Hell or I.C. to Heaven. Have ability "lvl UP' (GF Tonberry) equipped and some Stop magic (it's essential; casting it will make sure that you are safe during the battle) and Squall with active limit (critical HP or Aura). Run into any monster, cast stop on it and lvl it up to 100, then kill it with Squall's limit (Lionheart preferred). You will lvl up to 100 in no-time! You can use this method anywhere, but Islands are the fastest places to do so.