Name  Type  MP  Description↑
Fire Eater Armor - Fire attacks restore HP instead of doing damage
Ice Eater Armor - Ice attacks restore HP instead of doing damage
Lightning Eater Armor - Thunder attacks restore HP instead of doing damage
Water Eater Armor - Water attacks restore HP instead of doing damage
Double AP Weapon - AP is doubled after battle (only if character is in active party at end of battle)
Triple AP Weapon - AP is tripled after battle (only if character is in active party at end of battle)
Break Damage Limit Weapon - Allows attacks to do more than 9999 damage
Dark Buster Skill 10 Always inflict Darkness for 1 turn (unless immune) while hitting an enemy
Silence Buster Skill 10 Always inflict Silence for 1 turn (unless immune) while hitting an enemy
Sleep Buster Skill 10 Always inflict Sleep for 1 turn (unless immune) while hitting an enemy
Master Thief Armor - Always steal rare items
Quick Hit Skill 12 Attack an enemy with reduced recovery time
Evade & Counter Weapon - Automatic attack when character dodges a physical attack
Magic Counter Weapon - Automatic attack when character is hit by a magical attack
Counterattack Weapon - Automatic attack when characters is hit by a physical attack
Auto-Protect Armor - Automatically casts Protect at beginning of battle
Auto-Reflect Armor - Automatically casts Reflect at beginning of battle
Auto-Regen Armor - Automatically casts Regen at beginning of battle
Auto-Shell Armor - Automatically casts Shell at beginning of battle
Auto-Haste Armor - Automatically casts Haste at beginning of battle
Auto-Potion Armor - Automatically use HP recovery items when hit
Auto-Phoenix Armor - Automatically use a Phoenix Down when killed
Auto-Med Armor - Automatically use status recovery items when afflicted
Capture Weapon - Capture enemies for the Monster Arena
DoubleCast Special 0 Cast 2 Black Magic spells in a single turn (must pay casting cost for both)
SOS NulBlaze Armor - Casts NulBlaze when HP is low
SOS NulFrost Armor - Casts NulFrost when HP is low
SOS NulShock Armor - Casts NulShock when HP is low
SOS NulTide Armor - Casts NulTide when HP is low
SOS Protect Armor - Casts Protect when HP is low
SOS Reflect Armor - Casts Reflect when HP is low
SOS Regen Armor - Casts Regen when HP is low
SOS Shell Armor - Casts Shell when HP is low
SOS Haste Armor - Casts Haste when HP is low
Esuna White Magic 5 Cure Darkness, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Confusion, Berserk, Slow, and Stone
Holy White Magic 85 Deals Holy damage to an enemy
Ultima Black Magic 90 Deals huge amount of damage to all enemies
Flare Black Magic 54 Deals huge amount of damage to target
Firaga Black Magic 16 Deals large amount of Fire damage to target
Blizzaga Black Magic 16 Deals large amount of Ice damage to target
Thundaga Black Magic 16 Deals large amount of Thunder damage to target
Waterga Black Magic 16 Deals large amount of Water damage to target
Fira Black Magic 8 Deals medium amount of Fire damage to target
Blizzara Black Magic 8 Deals medium amount of Ice damage to target
Thundara Black Magic 8 Deals medium amount of Thunder damage to target
Watera Black Magic 8 Deals medium amount of Water damage to target
Fire Black Magic 4 Deals small amount of Fire damage to target
Blizzard Black Magic 4 Deals small amount of Ice damage to target
Thunder Black Magic 4 Deals small amount of Thunder damage to target
Water Black Magic 4 Deals small amount of Water damage to target
Alchemy Weapon - Double effect of recovery items used by the character
Gillionaire Weapon - Doubles amount of gil gained after battle
Lancet Special 0 Drains HP/MP from an enemy (when used by Kimahri, may learn enemy skill)
Provoke Special 4 Draw an enemy's attack towards yourself
Overdrive -> AP Weapon - Earn more AP but Overdrive Gauge doesn't charge
No AP Weapon - Earn no AP after battle
Flee Special 0 Escape from battle
NulBlaze White Magic 2 Grant immunity from one Fire attack to all allies
NulFrost White Magic 2 Grant immunity from one Ice attack to all alllies
NulShock White Magic 2 Grant immunity from one Thunder attack to all allies
NulTide White Magic 2 Grant immunity from one Water attack to all allies
Break HP Limit Armor - HP can exceed 9999
Delay Attack Skill 8 Hit an enemy and delay its turn
Delay Buster Skill 18 Hit an enemy and greatly delay its turn
Threaten Special 12 Immobilize an enemy with fear
Defense +10% Armor - Increase Defense by 10%
Defense +20% Armor - Increase Defense by 20%
Defense +3% Armor - Increase Defense by 3%
Defense +5% Armor - Increase Defense by 5%
Magic Def +10% Armor - Increase Magic Def by 10%
Magic Def +20% Armor - Increase Magic Def by 20%
Magic Def +3% Armor - Increase Magic Def by 3%
Magic Def +5% Armor - Increase Magic Def by 5%
Magic +10% Weapon - Increase Magic by 10%
Magic +20% Weapon - Increase Magic by 20%
Magic +3% Weapon - Increase Magic by 3%
Magic +5% Weapon - Increase Magic by 5%
Magic Booster Weapon - Increase Magic power for the price of increased MP cost
Strength +10% Weapon - Increase Strength by 10%
Strength +20% Weapon - Increase Strength by 20%
Strength +3% Weapon - Increase Strength by 3%
Strength +5% Weapon - Increase Strength by 5%
Protect White Magic 12 Increase an ally's Defense
Shell White Magic 10 Increase an ally's Magic Defense
Pickpocket Armor - Increase chance to steal rare items
Initiative Weapon - Increase change of getting a Preemptive strike
HP +10% Armor - Increase max HP by 10%
HP +20% Armor - Increase max HP by 20%
HP +30% Armor - Increase max HP by 30%
HP +5% Armor - Increase max HP by 5%
MP +10% Armor - Increase max MP by 10%
MP +20% Armor - Increase max MP by 20%
MP +30% Armor - Increase max MP by 30%
MP +5% Armor - Increase max MP by 5%
Hastega White Magic 30 Increase speed of all allies
Haste White Magic 8 Increase speed of one ally
Bio Black Magic 10 Inflicts Poison on the target
Death Black Magic 20 Instantly kills target
Armor Break Skill 12 Lower Defense while hitting an enemy
Jinx Special 0 Lower Luck of all enemies
Mental Break Skill 12 Lower Magic Defense while hitting an enemy
Magic Break Skill 8 Lower Magic while hitting an enemy
Power Break Skill 8 Lower Strength while hitting an enemy
Break MP Limit Armor - MP can exceed 999
CopyCat Special 28 Mimic the last action taken by an ally except overdrives and summons
Triple Overdrive Weapon - Overdrive Gauge charges three times as fast
Double Overdrive Weapon - Overdrive Gauge charges twice as fast
SOS Overdrive Weapon - Overdrive Gauge charges twice as fast when HP is low
No Encounters Armor - Party will not encounter random battles
Bribe Special 0 Pay enemies gil for safe passage and to receive items
Firestrike Weapon - Physical attacks are Fire elemental
Icestrike Weapon - Physical attacks are Ice elemental
Lightningstrike Weapon - Physical attacks are Thunder elemental
Waterstrike Weapon - Physical attacks are Water elemental
Piercing Weapon - Physical attacks bypass enemy armor doing normal damage
Slowstrike Weapon - Physical attacks cause Slow
Stonestrike Weapon - Physical attacks cause Stone
Zombiestrike Weapon - Physical attacks cause Zombie
Darkstrike Weapon - Physical attacks cause Darkness
Deathstrike Weapon - Physical attacks cause Death
Poisonstrike Weapon - Physical attacks cause Poison
Silencestrike Weapon - Physical attacks cause Silence
Sleepstrike Weapon - Physical attacks cause Sleep
Slowtouch Weapon - Physical attacks sometimes cause Slow
Stonetouch Weapon - Physical attacks sometimes cause Stone
Zombietouch Weapon - Physical attacks sometimes cause Zombie
Darktouch Weapon - Physical attacks sometimes cause Darkness
Deathtouch Weapon - Physical attacks sometimes cause Death
Poisontouch Weapon - Physical attacks sometimes cause Poison
Silencetouch Weapon - Physical attacks sometimes cause Silence
Sleeptouch Weapon - Physical attacks sometimes cause Sleep
Berserkproof Armor - Protects against Berserk
Slowproof Armor - Protects against Slow
Stoneproof Armor - Protects against Stone
Zombieproof Armor - Protects against Zombie
Confuseproof Armor - Protects against Confusion
Curseproof Armor - Protects against Curse
Darkproof Armor - Protects against Darkness
Poisonproof Armor - Protects against Poison
Silenceproof Armor - Protects against Silence
Sleepproof Armor - Protects against Sleep
Deathproof Armor - Protects against instant Death
Aim Special 0 Raise Accuracy of all allies
Reflex Special 0 Raise Evasion of all allies
Luck Special 0 Raise Luck of all allies
Focus Special 0 Raise Magic and Magic Defense of all allies
Cheer Special 0 Raise Strength and Defense of all allies
HP Stroll Armor - Recover HP while walking
MP Stroll Armor - Recover MP while walking
Half MP Cost Weapon - Reduce Ability MP costs by half
One MP Cost Weapon - Reduce Ability MP costs to one
Slowga White Magic 20 Reduce speed of all enemies
Slow White Magic 12 Reduce speed of an enemy
Demi Black Magic 32 Reduces target's HP by 1/4
Dispel White Magic 12 Remove any spells cast on the target
Curaga White Magic 20 Restore large amount of HP
Cura White Magic 10 Restore medium amount of HP
Cure White Magic 4 Restore small amount of HP
Pray Special 0 Restores small amount of HP to allies
Life White Magic 18 Revive a dead ally
Full-Life White Magic 60 Revive a dead ally with full HP
Zombie Attack Skill 10 Sometimes inflict Zombie while hitting an enemy
Dark Attack Skill 5 Sometimes inflict Darkness for 3 turns while hitting an enemy
Triple Foul Skill 24 Sometimes inflict Darkness, Silence and Sleep for 3 turns while hitting an enemy
Silence Attack Skill 5 Sometimes inflict Silence for 3 turns while hitting an enemy
Sleep Attack Skill 5 Sometimes inflict Sleep for 3 turns while hitting an enemy
Berserk Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against Berserk
Slow Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against Slow
Stone Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against Stone
Zombie Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against Zombie
Confuse Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against Confusion
Dark Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against Darkness
Poison Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against Poison
Silence Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against Silence
Sleep Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against Sleep
Death Ward Armor - Sometimes protects against instant Death
Reflect White Magic 14 Spells cast on the target are reflected back at the caster
Steal Special 0 Steal items from an enemy
Mug Skill 10 Steal items while hitting an enemy
Fire Ward Armor - Take half damage from Fire attacks
Ice Ward Armor - Take half damage from Ice attacks
Lightning Ward Armor - Take half damage from Thunder attacks
Water Ward Armor - Take half damage from Water attacks
Fireproof Armor - Take no damage from Fire attacks
Iceproof Armor - Take no damage from Ice attacks
Lightningproof Armor - Take no damage from Thunder attacks
Waterproof Armor - Take no damage from Water attacks
Guard Special 0 Take physical attack instead of other ally
Sentinel Special 0 Take physical attack instead of other ally while in a defensive posture
Drain Black Magic 12 Takes target's HP and gives it to the caster
Osmose Black Magic 0 Takes target's MP and gives it to the caster
Auto-Life White Magic 97 Target automatically revives after being killed
Regen White Magic 40 Target's HP increases by a small amount after each turn
Spare Change Special 0 Throw gil at enemy to do damage (damage is 1/10th amount of gil thrown)
Entrust Special 8 Transfer overdrive gauge to another ally (adding onto it)
Use Special 0 Use any item in stock during battle
Scan White Magic 1 View an enemy's HP, strengths and weaknesses
Sensor Weapon - View the data of enemies during battle
First Strike Weapon - Your party gets the first turn during battle