Fire Stone
Description: A stone infused with the power of fire. It looks like an ordinary stone, but is faintly warm to the touch.
Buy: -
Sell: 35
Required for Bazaar: need 4 for Arrows Alight
need 6 for Burning Blade
need 1 for Gilt Shield
Obtained from Bazaar: none
Drop: Alpha Hyena, Axebeak, Bellwyvern, Bomb, Cockatrice, Dire Rat, Fire Chaosjet, Fire Elemental, Garchimacera, Hyena, Lab Rat, Lesser Chimera, Red Chocobo, Tallow, Wyvern
Steal: Alpha Hyena, Axebeak, Bellwyvern, Bomb, Dire Rat, Hyena, Lesser Chimera, Marilith, Red Chocobo, Roblon, Rogue Tomato, Tallow, Wyvern